Friday, October 31, 2008

The week of Hell

This week has not been a good week. I feel like I've been hit by a semi -truck full of suck and then left on the road for dead. With a cough. The most important part is the cough. My lungs have literally come up out of my chest multiple times. And then I live with people who deem it necessary to drunk yell in the bathroom. That we share. Late at night. While I have a cough and have been left for dead by a semi- truck. NOT OKAY, MAN. They talk so loud, as if someone in the vicinity even cares what they have to say. One thing I know-- those type of people don't give a pickle what you are saying. That's just their type. They were molded to be like that. Not their fault.

Just say what you mean. At a normal voice level. We'd all be so appreciative. Thank you.


Jamie said...

This is the best blog ever just because you said "Don't give a pickle"

bivalish said...

dude, i so know.