Sunday, February 8, 2009


I went on a Skokie adventure today and here is what I learned:

  • Some CTA bus drivers need personality adjustments. Just because I'm riding public transportation doesn't mean I know where bus 97 actually goes.
  • Russian people typically live with their parents until they get married.
  • Jewish people are buried in "Kosher coffins," meaning they are coffins made out of wood.
  • Jewish people are not typically embalmed because it is against their religion.
  • McDonald's has pretty decent tasting Iced Mochas.
  • Subways should have restrooms on the actual train.

I do this to avoid physical geography. . .

1 comment:

Sara Thompto said...

So, I'm thinking that talking about embalming people and then mentioning iced mocha's is very dis-tasteful. Mainly because I pictured drinking embalming fluids *BARF*

<3 Tippy