Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I'd pimp out my dog in exchange for tickets to the Ellen show. If I would've just kept my hair blonde like it was last winter/spring and grew a couple of inches, I could've passed as Ellen's stage double and hosted the show myself. I've conducted interviews and I can dance just as well, if not better than her. I wanted to intern for her show. Lucky for her I go to school in Chicago and not L.A. I could intern for Oprah but I don't think I'm fierce enough for that job. For me, Ellen is Chicago and Oprah is New York, the big leagues. Not only that, but Ellen is funnier.

I have a really bad cowlick today. How'd I end up with boy hair?


Amanda Mae said...

well you ended up with boy hair when you cut it so short...... :-p

bivalish said...

that's not what i mean by boy hair... i meant boy hair as in i have a cowlick...